Saturday, May 18, 2013

Barnes & Noble Binge!

The truth is, I can do some major damage in a book store. I also realized that it's been about a century since I took time to leisurely walk around one so this week I indulged and picked up some new reads!

Tender Triumph by Judith McNaught
Okay, before you judge the fact that this is a romance novel, I want you to consider that a great human once said "A cheesy book collection is a sound book collection." Okay, no one really said that, but just keep an open mind here, please, and remember that "Variety is the spice of life." Someone actually did say that, though. I have read many a Judith McNaught novel at the suggestion of my sweet cousin, Mari Epi, who is a huge fan and I have found them all fun and entertaining albeit somewhat predictable. Also, this one takes place in St. Louis, so how could I pass it up?

A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin
Where my Game of Thrones fans at?! So I have been reading A Storm of Swords along with Season 3, but I know I'm going to want to keep going after I finish this book (just got to the part of the wedding at the Crossing). Also, while the books have garnered fame as a result of the HBO series, I still feel that it is a highly underrated series, being that the books are so incredibly epic and complex. It's a toss up as to who my favorite characters are, but I think the ones I love the most are Arya, Jon Snow, and Tyrion...and Daenerys...and Osha, but maybe that's because she is Nymphadora Tonks, too.

This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I bought this one to get more exposure to Fitzgerald's writing. So looking forward to it!

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I could not for the life of me find my original copy I read in high school (who did I lend it to? 'fess up!) so I bought a new one!

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
This is the first book in The Infernal Devices series, which is the prequel series to The Mortal Instruments...series. I haven't read the "original" series, but I figured I'd start with the prequels because I like chronological order. It's like watching the Phantom Menace first instead of starting with a New Hope so you get the whole story....but wait, then it won't be such a surprise in the scene where Darth Vader reveals himself as Luke's father. Wait. Oh. Wait. Maybe I shouldn't read this one first? Drats! What should I do??!! Seriously!!

So there you have it! These are my new reads. What book have you picked up lately??


1 comment:

  1. I've never read Judith McNaught. I like my romance to be steamy. I can't take any emotional, sappy romance. Either steamy, or funny. Is Ms. McNaught naughty enough?

    A Feast of Crows... that makes me think of "eating Crow"... or the way Ygrette says "Jon Sno...." Anyway, I am behind in this series - WAY behind. So don't tell me about any good *cough-sex-cough* scenes or I will be tempted to jump to it instead of enjoying the novel....

    This Side of Paradise... I've gotta broaden my Fitzgerald horizons.

    Gatsby... *sigh* oh, Gatsby. I should probably re-read this soon.

    Clockwork Angel. I absolutely LOVED the original series. I know this is a prequel, but it kind of isn't. There isn't anything really connected about the two series' other than the subject matter. Anyway, Clockwork Angel is goooood. Cassandra Claire is a very underrated writer. I really enjoy her imagination and characters. She has taken a genre that has been trampled on by so many different authors to the point that there is nothing original about the genre and has found a way to make it different. Also, the movie for the first book is coming out soon, so if you plan on reading any of the original series, I would suggest reading it now.
